5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult provides practical information on over 600 clinical problems, organized in a concise, proven, and consistent format. This valuable resource guide will be useful to both novices and experienced emergency medicine clinicians. The topics are presented in a fast-access outline format, ideal for on-the-spot consultation on your mobile device.
Features include:
-Proven 5-Minute Consult format allows you to locate information quickly
-Comprehensive coverage of entire specialty
-Coverage of each disorder includes clinical presentation, pre-hospital, diagnosis, treatment, disposition, and ICD-10 coding
-Differential diagnosis for every condition
New topics on emerging infections, new protocols/treatments, and new areas of emergency medicine
With this unique mobile platform you can instantly review information and add personalized notes, enabling quick decision-making at the point-of-care. No emergency professional should be without this valuable reference tool.
Medical Wizards has partnered with Lippincott Williams & Wilkins to bring you this popular application. Editors: Jeffrey Schaider, MD; Stephen R. Hayden, MD ; Richard Wolfe, MD; Roger M. Barkin, MD, MPH; Peter Rosen, MD